Pemulih Bantuan Bakul Makanan

Rohana Razak, Mashita and Kak Long voluntarily drove from place to place to deliver food aids on Wednesday 21 July 2021. They have been taking good care of their communities within Bukit Tempurung, a zone under the Bandar Hilir constitution for man years. Organized by Kota Melaka Food Bank, Kota Melaka Parliament and the DUN Banda Hilir, the food aids helps a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic. 01 10kg rice 02 850g flour 03 1kg sugar 04 450g salt 05 50 tea bags 06 350g vermicelli 07 20 sachets coffee 08 1 tin baked beans 09 1 tin sardines 10 1 tin creamer 11 1 bottle chilli sauce 12 1 bottle soya sauce 13 1 2kg cooking oil 14 2 packets biscuit