Unclean water within Bandar Hilir Melaka
Tuesday 12 I did backwash. I repeat the backwash on Wednesday 13, and Thursday 14. Sometime last month, my Indian neighbour told me the water is very dirty while we were doing our morning 30 minutes regular walk. He reminded me about the dirty water again on Monday this week and that is when I checked his claims on Tuesday 12 October 2021. It was indeed dark brownish in colour. And the dark brownish water takes about five to ten minutes to disappear. I thought the next day, Wednesday 13 October 2021 when I repeat another backwash, the water conditions would be more drinkable than a day before. Oh my GOD (OMG), it wasn’t good and the colour of the water was still dark brownish in colour. Such unclean water goes on for Thursday 14 October 2021 when I did another backwash before I replaced the Panasonic P-6JRC-ZEX filter cartridge. [watch https://youtu.be/4SveUzrMyRI] I decided to check the water cleanliness level today after I wash my car. The water is still unclean. ...