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Former Malacca High School teacher meet his pupil in Wangkang museum

From a bowl of nyonya laksa to an unique babah peranakan ceremonial heritage chat, concluded with a burst of greetings between a teacher and his pupil. Breakfast table on Tranquerah Road is special because they are from a mixed of professions, from an editor of a YouTube channel to an engineer who played a role in the iconic C-shaped Lagenda Condominium in Klebang, Melaka. The teacher who teaches and the temple chief who guides, are both facing each other on a marble table. The videographer wears the Yong Chuan Tian Temple Tee-shirt and it catches the eyes of Cheng Kim, the teacher. He asked about Wangkang and the four of them take a drive to Yong Chuan Tian Temple after the breakfast. Upon stepping into the Wangkang shipyard, Cheng Kim bows three times to the deity, Ong Yah. As the Temple chief, P'ng Yew Chye walks Cheng Kim to the front, Dato' Ronald Gan Yong Hoe walks towards the shipyard. Both the Babah exchanges greetings on midpoint between the main gate of the Yong Chu...

KR Negara Aman is the name of the Wangkang 2020 ship


Commencement of the Wangkang Monument foundation works takes off

  Left to Right: Jack Sor, Yew Chai, Dato' Ronald Gan and Kam Foo Dato' Ronald Gan was at the Melaka Gateway with Jack Sor to inspect the commencement of the foundation works for the Wangkang Monument this morning. Joining them, is Yew Chai.

ZOOM is your partner

Zoom is a trending word for me after  18 March 2020. On that day, Melaka started to observe the Movement Control Order (MCO) to curb COVID-19 pandemic. The power of Zoom flashes on my screen every now and them when the world was on a lockdown. I wonder how Zoom works until a first attempt with Zoom on Thursday 1 October 2020. I joined the BuildSG webinar last week. I find Zoom is a internet connectivity every groups must use, during this period of social distancing and as the world goes mobile.

En Sa'ari bin Basiron meninjau kapal Wangkang 2020

  Dari kiri ke kanan: Jack Sor, Ken Lai, Sa'ari Basiron, Yew Chai, Dato' Ronald Gan Melaka Khamis 1hb Oktober 2020 3:53 petang. En. Sa'ari bin Basiron tiba di halaman tokong Yong Chuan Tian selepad beredar dari tokong Sam Tiong Keng di Jalan Semabok, Melaka. Ms Lim, pembantu Sa'ari juga berasal dari Unit Promosi Pelancongan, di Jabatan Ketua Menteri Melaka. Mereka datang ke Yong Chuan Tian untuk meninjau persedian perayaan Wangkang yang akan dilakasanakan pada 15hb November 2020. Dato' Ronald Gan memberi penjelasan yang cukup menarik kepada Sa'ari tentang adat resam warisan Wangkang. Warisan Wangkang adalah suatu warisan yang diberi pengiktirafan oleh kerajaan Malaysia sebagai Warisan Kebangsaan. Gerbang Warisan Kebangsaan Wangkang pun telah disiapkan pada bulan Julai yang lalu dan kini mengindahkan Jalan Parameswara, Melaka. En. Sa'ari bin Basiron mengucapkan kepada Dato' Ronald Gan, "Semoga Perayaan Wangkang Berjaya" Tonton