Rain has come
Rain Has Come Rainfall is great where there are high mountains to trap the moisture borne by the winds from the South China Seas and from the Straits of Melaka. “ Dryness ” is the key word in understanding Arabia, the desserts but not for Melaka. Since May 1, 2019 rain measured is only marginal. If heavy rainfall continues, which is expected to do so until November, not only flash floods would replace people homes but the soil would lose most of its fertility. When rain falls in Melaka, there is usually far more than enough to wet the surface or to soak into the soil and the surplus runs off, and eventually works its way to the Straits of Melaka. More importantly, rain falls in Melaka has to cover the Durian Tunggal Dam to which I have visited on May 29 with a kid from Machap Baru. Lotuses everywhere got me fascinated but this kid alerted me that their colonies has shrink due to the receding water level. A Story For The Long-Waited Rain in Mela...