
Showing posts with the label Toddler Classic Tee
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Apple Toddler Classic Tee

Toddler Classic Tee - Shop now at An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Great classic tee for a toddler 12 to 36 months. The toddler years are a time of great cognitive, emotional and social development. One year old toddler would pull to stand, walk with help or alone, sit down without help, bang two blocks together, turn through the pages of a book by flipping many pages at a time. He or she can also respond to sounds, understands several words, can say mama, papa, and connect names with objects. One of their mimic actions is covering eyes while playing Peekaboo. A toddler’s first word often occurs around 12 months, but again this is only an average. The child will then continue to steadily add to his or her vocabulary until around the age of 18 months when language increases rapidly. Buy him or her this Classic Tee and guide your toddler to point to this apple with the index finger. Available in Black | Light Blue |...