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Mei Hua Walk, are you coming back

  Coronavirus has make you silence this year after your grand presentation last year. Purely a work of the villagers, and not funded by the public sector or the government, the beautification of the Machap Baru's Mei Hua Walk has been going on for years. Promising a better year of each almanac animal, Chinese spring up to a better preparation ahead of every lunar new year. They would refer to the calendar to select the auspicious day and time for things they do. In 2019, I've reminded you to better discover the Mei Hua Walk in Machap Baru rather than rather than pushing to later years.  Mei Hua is the national flower of the People Republic of China. The organizer of the Mei Hua Walk is Mr. Fu and he told me the reason why grand fireworks is done on the second day of the Chinese New Year. Mr. Fu said that their daughters who have married would spend the first day of Chinese New Year with the husband family and can only return to the village on the second day. For this reason, t...