AS Men's Staple Tee right away wrong

" We hope we're doing the right thing" " We’re not sure we know the right answer" Right is usually associated with things that are morally correct, just, or honourable. Wrong is usually associated with things not in accordance with what is morally right or good , for example, a wrong deed. But sometimes, it is not the case. One day in 1990, the chairman of the company I worked with shared with me a piece of useful thought. The chairman, Tun Haji Arshad Ayub said to me, “Ong, there is nothing right or wrong. What ever it is, make sure you can U-turn” Tun Haji Arshad is an academician and a former deputy governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. Tun’s statement is a moral relativism. T un was grooming me the idea that there is nothing that is truly right or wrong. Nothing is ever completely right or completely wrong. The rightness or wrongness of an action can only be inferred from ...