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Second hand smoke endangers loved ones around you

 Infoline Berhenti Merokok 03-8883 4400

What is second hand smoke?

Answer: It is a combination of side-stream cigarette smoke from lighted tips and mainstream cigarette smoke exhaled by smokers.

Who are passive smokers?

Answer: Those who do not smoke but are exposed to cigarette smoke at least 15 minutes for two days in a week (WHO).

Passive smokers run the risk of:-

30% increased chances of contracting lung cancer.

25% increased chances of heart diseases.

Passive smokers face a high risk of exposure to various diseases.


Wives of smokers have a 30% higher risk of contracting lung cancer.

More exposed to cancer.

Lower fertility.

Early menopause.

Death and miscarriage of baby during pregnancy.

Birth of underweight and premature baby.


Susceptible to asthma.

Risk of lung infection.

Growth of lungs affected.


Experience effects such as cough, sore eyes, nausea and headaches.

If heart patients, susceptible to heart attacks whereas asthmatic patients will be prone to severe asthma attacks.

Your responsibility!

If you are a smoker:

Take steps to stop smoking because it has negative effects on family, friends and loved ones.

Ensure you do not smoke in no-smoking areas. If found guilty, you can be fined up to RM10,000 imprisoned for up to two years.

If you want to stop smoking, get help from the nearest quit smoking clinic.

Call Infoline Berhenti Merokok at 03-8883 4400 for further information.

If you are a non-smoker:

Advise smokers not to smoke around you.

Voice out your right to be free from cigarette smoke.


No smoking areas according to Control of Tobacco Product Regulations 2004 Sub regulation 11(1) – Places where smoking is prohibited.

Entertainment centre or theatre.

Hospital or clinic.

Public lift or toilet.

Air-conditioned eating place or shop.

Public vehicle or public transport terminal.

Any building specified by the Minister by notification in the Gazette under regulation 22.


Government premise.

Area used for any assembly activity in a building other than private or residential building.

Educational institution or higher educational institution.


School bus.

Service counter in the building specified in the Second Schedule.

Shopping complex.

Petrol station.

Stadium, sports complex, fitness center or gymnasium.

Building or public place use for religious purposes.


Internet café.



Health Education Division

Ministry of Health, Malaysia. 
