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COVID-19 Poem

 I care I share..

3 months of MCO, Movement Control Order has pass

Hawkers and businesses awakes from this fast..

People in Malacca still has to take time to get adjust

get this eBook with Teespring and use this link 

Sundaram is naturally ease with audience, delivered a suitable body language and physical appearance. He pronounced correctly each word, in rhythm and his intonation greatly enriched his recitation.

His meaning of the poem is powerfully and clearly conveyed to his audience, particularly the Malay, Baba and Chetti communities.

His interpretation deepens and enlivens the poem. Meaning, themes, allusion, irony, tone and other nuances are captured in his audio.

Sundaram is collaborating with Daniel Ong with his inspirational poetry works.

Source: Sundaram Palaini Padiachee
